15 Mistakes You Could Be Making On Your Nursing Resume

Nursing resume mistakes

In today’s fiercely competitive job market, securing coveted nursing interviews demands that your nursing resume not only be of the highest writing quality possible but also free from common mistakes that can mar hiring managers’ perception of you. Here are some frequent pitfalls to avoid:

Non-Professional Email Address

Create a new email specifically for job searching, and ensure that it reflects your professional persona.

Unnecessary Personal Information

The hiring manager doesn’t need to know your marital status, your love for pets, or your social hobbies. Keep it professional.

Spelling and Grammatical Errors

Don’t rely solely on your own proofreading. Enlist a second pair of eyes to catch any errors that might have slipped past you.

Incomplete Licensure and Certification Information

List all licenses, certifications, and professional affiliations, even if they’re no longer active. Make sure to include expiration dates; these keywords can be invaluable.

Missing Professional Affiliations

Omitting these indicates a lack of commitment to your field and potential disinterest in career growth.

Absence of Expertise, Key Skills, or Nursing Strengths

This is vital in keyword optimization, particularly for electronic searches.

Skipping a Qualifications Summary

The ‘Objective’ section is outdated. Instead, offer a concise qualifications summary to give a snapshot of your experience and skills.

Lack of Focus

Generic resumes won’t cut it for specialized positions like Emergency Department or ICU roles. Your achievements and specific experiences need to be highlighted, ideally with quantifiable metrics.

Font Chaos

Your resume should be visually appealing and easy to read without being overly busy. Stick to a maximum of two fonts and use white space effectively.


Never lie on your resume. Not only is it unethical, but it could also cost you your job.

Omitting Unit Size

Including the number of beds in your unit can validate your capacity to work in fast-paced, high-volume settings.

Unexplained Employment Gaps

Recruiters and nurse managers will notice these. It’s better to acknowledge and briefly explain any employment gaps.

Excluding Healthcare Volunteer Experience

This is often overlooked but can make a significant difference, especially if you’re new to the field or changing specializations.

Overlooking Professional Activities

Did you teach classes or mentor students? Include this to show a broader range of skills and contributions.

Employer Overview

Not all hiring managers will be familiar with your previous workplaces. Provide a brief description, such as ‘Joint Commission accredited, Magnet designated facility.’

By sidestepping these common resume errors, you’ll significantly enhance your chances of landing interviews for top-tier nursing roles. Invest the time and effort now for long-term career benefits.”

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Author: Rosa Elizabeth, CMRW

Rosa Elizabeth Vargas is a uniquely credentialed executive resume writer with four of the Career Industry’s Top Resume Writing Certifications. She also offers a robust corporate background, blending hiring management accountabilities and HR.

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