Don’t Get Left Behind In the New Social Job-Search Environment

Social media for nurses

Don’t Get Left Behind In the New Social Job-Search Environment

Social networking sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook have transformed the job search landscape. These platforms offer a convenient way to find the perfect nursing job without even leaving your home. So how do you make the most of this new social and virtual job-search environment? Read on!

1. Keywords Count!

Keywords are critical online. The same way you use Google to find a service or product, your online resume, social networking account, blog, etc., will attract the right kind of attention with the right keywords. Choose nursing-specific keywords that are relevant to the specialty you’re targeting:

  • ER: Triage, Emergent Care, Life-Saving Interventions
  • Labor & Delivery: Newborn Assessments, Postpartum Care, Mother-Child Bonding

2. Be Selective with Connections

Don’t just accept every connection request. Your connections are a reflection of you and contribute to your online reputation. Be strategic with your networking by connecting only with people who can positively impact your job search.

3. Make Your LinkedIn Profile Unique

Don’t simply copy-paste your entire resume onto your LinkedIn profile. Instead, focus on showcasing your expertise, achievements, and personality. Here are a few reasons why:

  • A. Exposing your entire resume online makes it easy for “content thieves” to copy it.
  • B. A recruiter or employer is less likely to contact you for more information if everything is already online.
  • C. Your profile should be engaging and informative, not a dull repetition of your resume.

For more insights on how to create an impactful LinkedIn profile, check out this guide from the American Nurses Association.

4. Active Participation is Key

You must actively engage on social media platforms to leverage them effectively for your job search. Participate in discussions, join relevant groups, and keep your profile updated.

5. Keep Your Online Resume Fresh

Revisit and refresh your online resume on career sites like every 3 weeks. Search algorithms favor recently updated profiles, which means updating yours will keep you visible to recruiters.

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Author: Rosa Elizabeth, CMRW

Rosa Elizabeth Vargas is a uniquely credentialed executive resume writer with four of the Career Industry’s Top Resume Writing Certifications. She also offers a robust corporate background, blending hiring management accountabilities and HR.

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