5 Things That Really Matter On Your Nursing Resume

With so many people chiming in on what you should include on your nursing resume — from sister to friend, parent and your better half– what is the right answer?

The answer really depends on your experience and the job target, but here are 5 key staples of a good nursing resume:


  1. Education. Not just listing but highlight what has been unique or impressive about the education you received.
  2. Certifications. List active ones separate from former ones, or at least make sure it is not misleading. 
  3. Employers, of course. But, not just employers. What about working for those medical facilities was advantageous to your career growth?
  4. Strengths. Personal and professional — what we call soft and hard skills. Soft skills are more innate, such as rapport building and team orientation; hard skills are competencies that required official training. 
  5. Summary. Get rid of that objective statement, please! Tell them a little bit about why you would be the person to call. 


BONUS TIP: It is not as much about what you include but HOW you cover it. Make sure that resume is unique and persuasive! 


Of course, there is more. Begin with the five above, and you will be head of the game. 


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Author: Rosa Elizabeth, CMRW

Rosa Elizabeth Vargas is a uniquely credentialed executive resume writer with four of the Career Industry’s Top Resume Writing Certifications. She also offers a robust corporate background, blending hiring management accountabilities and HR.

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